28 Dec 2017

Dust Extraction Systems a Necessity for Food Manufacturing

Dependent on the food being manufactured in your facility, you may require the use of both dust extraction and fume extraction. This is a result of the food manufacturing process creating hazards for both plant and employees, both inside and outdoors, which can be a risk. The prevention of such issues is

So, what are the dangers present in a food manufacturing space and what can be done in order to prevent them?

Explosive Consequences

The primary reasons that dust extraction needs to be a priority in the food industry is the fact that, when left unchecked, powdery substances in a food factory can be combustible and extremely flammable.  

This is a known hazard within the food industry and as such needs to be dealt with from day one. The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) requires that all workplaces with explosive hazards must be fully assessed and protected, as well as having a fully fleshed out prevention method.

Characteristic Contaminants

Food manufacturing contaminants can come in various forms. Though they generally come in two very distinct forms: dust generated from dry goods or cooking emissions such as grease or smoke during the cooking process.

The dust can have a range from very fine to course, depending on the products that you are creating. It reaches the air for contamination as a result of products being displaced, such as when they are being bagged or simply conveyed. Generated dust can be combustible, hygroscopic and agglomerative.

Grease and smoke can come from the industrial cooking of manufactured food, which can cause a fire if it builds up into a large collection. Likewise, too much smoke can cause a health risk to workers whilst also posing an obvious pollution risk to the facility and surrounding areas.


Dust collection and fume control is the best solution when it comes to a food manufacturing factory. Wherever possible, this should be done as a form of source capture or local containment.

Meaning that wherever possible the contaminant is either controlled at the source of production – using a hood for extraction – or keeping the environment isolated, regularly exhausting the air with air pollution control equipment. Typically, this is a comprehensive ventilation system.

These solutions can also be combined in a number of hoods or environment extraction in order to form a central air pollution control system.

Benefits of Dust Extraction

Some benefits of the extraction process for your manufacturing factory and plant include:

  • Workers health is protected, minimising long-term liability.
  • Product quality improvement.
  • Facility safety maintained.
  • Further reliability of machines.
  • Compliance with government regulations.


Here at Airmatic Ltd, we are dedicated to providing the right solutions for your needs. Simply call our team on 0161 764 4004 or fill out the contact form for a discussion of your extraction needs.

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