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Ductwork and fabrication advice, guides and solutions – plus the latest industry news and manufacturing developments.

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How to improve airflow & air quality in ductwork

If your duct system isn’t providing the airflow and air quality you need, it may be time to give them a clean. This is an easily neglected area of your HVAC system, which can build up over time and affect things like the air quality of your workspace. High-quality ductwork is no exception – as […]

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What are the best materials for ducting?

If you’re looking to improve your HVAC system, then you’ll know all too well how ductwork forms the backbone of it. Essentially, ductwork installation is what provides conditioned air (filtered, cooled or otherwise) into the workplace for a safer, more pleasant environment to work in. But how do you pick the right materials for your […]

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What are the main differences between air ducts and vents?

When it comes to heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, you’ll have come across air ducts and vents – both of which are utilised to create a compliant HVAC system in a place of work. But what are the main differences between air conditioning ducts and vents? Let’s dive into the differences between these […]

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Everything you need to know about ductwork installation

Considering ductwork installation for your business? Ductwork is essential in complying with heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) regulations. They can also be used to regulate waste extraction systems, vacuum systems, and dust & fume extraction systems too. So whether you’re new to the concept of ductwork, or simply want to find out more about it, […]

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7 reasons why good workplace ventilation is important

The benefits of having an effective ventilation system in the workplace cannot be overstated. Not only does it help maintain a healthy work environment, but it also contributes to the overall productivity and well-being of employees.  According to HSE, ventilation is the process of bringing in fresh air into an enclosed space from outside and […]

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How to remove recycling odours

Remove Recycling Odours It’s easy to assume that only general waste bins accumulate foul odours, but in actuality, recycling and their respective bins also come with a range of unpleasant smells that can really work up a stink. When it comes to the workplace, recycling odours are likely to occur depending on the process involved, […]

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Combustible dust: Everything you need to know

Combustible Dust Dangers Combustible dust, also known as explosive dust, refers to tiny particles that pose a risk of explosions – particularly in the workplace. If dust levels aren’t maintained to prevent this, they can cause fatal injuries, damage equipment, and can completely destroy buildings. We’re not trying to scare you, but rather warn that […]

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How do we provide quality installations?

How do we provide quality installations? Quality Service Communication is key to ensure a quality service during our installs. Setting out an installation plan with our customer allows us to manage their expectations and set completion dates that are convenient. We are also able to attend breakdowns and work to tight deadlines during shutdowns or […]

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ContamiNATION: Warrington takes the top spot with the UK’s most contaminated land

UK’s Most Contaminated Areas Warrington is the town with the most contaminated land in the UK, with a staggering 1759 sites across 41,603,277 square meters.  The Liverpool borough of Sefton secured a second spot with a combined 975,050m2 of contaminated land sites.  Scotland only had one site in the top 10, with the rest of […]

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Why is ventilation important in the food industry?

Why is ventilation important in the food industry? One of the biggest challenges in the food and beverage industry is food contamination, and it’s vital that business owners do all they can to ensure safety. Otherwise, the health of consumers, customers and staff may be at risk, which could lead to significant financial losses, if […]

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How to maintain your dust extraction system

Why is dust extraction maintenance important? Dust extraction systems are vital for ensuring that a workplace is well-ventilated, as they filter out harmful pollutants and contaminants that can impact air quality. However, without regular maintenance, your LEV system won’t perform at its best. This could increase the likelihood of workplace accidents, and inadequate dust control […]

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What are the dangers of welding fumes?

Welding Fume Dangers If you’re in an industry where welding is part of regular operations, it’s essential that – as an employer – you carry out a complete risk assessment to determine which preventative measures need to be taken to control the risks associated with welding fume exposure. Prolonged exposure to welding fumes can cause […]

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A complete guide to silica dust

Dangers of Silica Dust Not only is silica dust an annoyance, it can cause serious, long-term health problems – primarily lung disease. If silica dust isn’t efficiently controlled and workers are left to breathe it in on a regular basis, the consequences may be fatal – in fact, over 500 construction workers are believed to […]

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Annual LEV testing: Everything you need to know

Annual LEV Testing What is LEV testing? As mentioned in HSE’s HSG258: Controlling Airborne Contaminants at Work: A Guide to Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV), an LEV test – otherwise known as a COSHH test – is a “detailed and systematic (annual) examination” that must be carried out in order to make sure that the LEV […]

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Why is workplace health and safety important?

Workplace Health & Safety Risks With statistics revealing that 123 workers were killed in Great Britain during 2021/22, it’s vital that employers are doing all they can to mitigate health and safety risks. Alongside protecting the wellbeing of your workers – which, in turn, will optimise staff retention – ensuring that adequate measures are in […]

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An introduction to COSHH

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health What is COSHH? COSHH – Control of Substances Hazardous to Health – is a legal requirement that must be taken seriously by all employers. These regulations are put in place to ensure that workers are completely protected from harm when working with or around potentially dangerous substances or materials. […]

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Exposure to Dust in the Workplace and How to Prevent It

Dust Safety Dust can become a problem in almost any industry or workplace. Dust can be created in a number of ways; cutting, sieving, crushing, milling, cleaning – the list goes on. If not controlled using the correct methods, dust can become a health hazard for those who work closely with it. Particles of dust […]

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Case Study : Odour Extraction & Stainless Steel Ductwork

Odour Extraction- EWOS CARGILL . Aqua Nutrition, Scotland The Client EWOS (Cargil) is one of the world’s largest producers of feed and nutrition for farmed fish. Their Bathgate site produces salmon and trout feedstocks for salmon farmers in Scotland and all over the world.   The brief- Improved Odour Extraction The project brief was to […]

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Death by Baking? The Dangers of Flour Dust…

Flour Dust Dangers When you think of “dangerous jobs”, baking isn’t typically the first one that springs to mind. But workers in baking-related jobs often inhale flour dust when it becomes airborne, which can irritate the respiratory tract and lead to occupational asthma, also known as “baker’s asthma”. Baker’s asthma is a very frequent occupational […]

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Industrial Ventilation : Insulating your Ductwork

Ductwork Insulation Ventilation systems require thermal insulation in order to restrict and control heat loss. For both financial and environmental reasons, it is important you reduce unnecessary heat loss in ducts that transport warm air. Ventilation ducts transport either warm or cold air. This, together with the temperature and moisture content of the surrounding air […]

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What are the effects of noise pollution on human health?

The impact of noise pollution on human health can be in small or large doses. Noise pollution is considered noise in the surrounding area that is causing a disturbance or is considered undesired.

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Common ventilation solutions for hot factory environments

With the hot weather that we’re currently witnessing globally, it’s more important than ever that industrial environments can provide ventilation solutions in the hot temperatures to ensure workers are safe. High temperatures on factory floors can be extremely dangerous and put them at high risk of dehydrating. As such here are some ventilation solutions that […]

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5 Manufacturing Workplace Safety Tips

Working in the manufacturing industry there are many risks to your job role, which is why you need to consider manufacturing safety tips so everyone in the workplace can remain safe. Keeping on top of workplace safety ensures that everyone can carry on their role without having to worry about accidents or getting hurt. In […]

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Effective noise pollution management in the industrial workplace

Industrial sectors continue to have issues when dealing with noise pollution management in the workplace. Here are methods of noise pollution management that can help employees.  

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Methods For Controlling Industrial Odour

Working within the maintenance and industrial sector come with many regulations to prevent harmful pollutants being released in the air, and this includes controlling industrial odour. The smaller picture is that the unpleasant odour can drive complaints from local residents, but looking at it from a wider angle it can also seriously harm the earth’s […]

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What Is A Fume Extractor and Why Is It Needed?

Understanding Fume Extractors: Necessity and Benefits What is a fume extractor? This may be a question that some industrial business owners may ask when it comes to choosing their ductwork. It’s an essential component within ductwork to ensure that industrial businesses can stick within regulations for releasing carbon emissions. But how does a fume extractor […]

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Signs It’s Time For A Ductwork Replacement

There are crucial connections and systems within a ductwork system that plays a vital role in the cost and efficiency of the heating and cooling of your industrial environment, therefore there should be vital signs that you should look out for if you require a ductwork replacement. Ductwork is essentially used as the circulation for the […]

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Why Good Ventilation System Design Is Important

Inhaling clean air is essential for our bodies and helps them to function correctly. In an ideal world, we’d want to breathe in fresh air all the time but it’s not always possible considering the majority of our hours are spent indoors during the day. For industrial spaces in particular, it’s common for poor air […]

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What Are The Most Common Forms Of Indoor Air Pollutants?

When we think of polluted air, it’s rare that we tend to relate it to indoor air pollutants but they can be just as harmful compared to pollutants found outside. We often relate pollution to the gases given off from industrial factories and combustion processes in vehicles but what occurs indoors should also be considered, […]

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The Dangers Of A Cracked Heat Exchanger

Is your HVAC system ready for changing seasons ahead or at you at risk due to a cracked heat exchanger? There should be a regularly scheduled maintenance plan in place that prepares your commercial building for the change in weather outside. However, if it’s discovered that you have a cracked heat exchanger, what does this […]

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How Do Duct Silencers Work?

Demystifying the Functionality of Duct Silencers Working in an industrial environment, there are a very few things that can come across irritating than your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system rattling away and making a vast amount of noise. So much so, that it distracts co-workers and makes it an unsettling environment to work […]

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How To Reduce Heat Gain In Industrial Working Environments

Combatting Heat Gain in Industrial Environments It’s extremely important to reduce heat gain if heat builds up in a manufacturing or industrial working environment. This is because it can be extremely uncomfortable for workers, resulting in a negative impact on their productivity and production levels. Considering this growing concern, it’s important to have knowledge of […]

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How The Government Plans On Cutting Carbon Emissions

There has been warnings given to the UK government towards their efforts of cutting carbon emissions after recent figures showed that Britain have slowed down yet again, with another year on year decrease being recorded. It’s now the sixth year running that carbon emission rates have fallen, with 361m tonnes of carbon dioxide being recorded […]

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What Are The Different Types Of Metal Fabrication?

Diverse Types of Metal Fabrication: Exploring Variations and Techniques Bespoke metal fabricators have the ability to produce many different types of metal fabrication which can help to benefit many industries. They can be used on many applications and be created using all kinds of metals. The main properties associated with a suitable metal fabrication including […]

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How Do Dust Mites Affect Humans?

Dust mites are relatively minuscule insects, so you may be wondering how do dust mites affect humans considering they’re so small? Well, the harm they can cause those who suffer from asthma and allergic reactions can be quite big. Dust mites can be easily found in human living quarters and they thrive on dead skin […]

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Effective Ways On How To Reduce Paint Smell In The House

Painting a room is the prime asset when it comes to interior design providing a fresh look to your new space, but then there’s the downside of figuring out how to reduce paint smell in the house after you’ve finished your masterpiece. The issue with painting a room is that the smell of the paint, […]

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What Are The Consequences Of Noise Pollution On A Workplace?

Specific working areas in the workplace are where we spend the majority of the time. For this reason, it should be an area that has specific conditions in order for us to work to the best of our ability and generate the results needed to accomplish business goals. Some businesses tend to develop noises that […]

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Why UK Homes Need To Emphasise Emission Reduction To Meet Climate Targets

According to the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), there need to be improvements made by UK homes in regards to emission reduction and meeting required standards. This is so greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced and targets can be met with regards to climate change. What information does the report include regarding emission reduction? They […]

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How Often Should Ventilation Cleaning Take Place In Your Office?

Importance of Office Ventilation Cleaning & Optimal Frequency   Absence from work is one of the key drivers in lack of productivity for employees in office buildings, and a major cause is because of the lack of ventilation cleaning. Do you ever what’s being clogged up in the ventilation and air duct systems in your […]

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Ventilation Tips If You Don’t Have A Range Hood Or Vent In The Kitchen

Although this may not be much of a concern in a house that you’ve purchased, for renters in a shared space it can be a bit of a pest, which is why ventilation tips may be required if you don’t have a range hood or vent. Not having sufficient ventilation in the kitchen can cause […]

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Effective Ways To Get Clean Air In Your Home

The air around us what we breathe in can have a large impact on our health, which makes it crucial to have clean air at home. Poor air quality can lead to many health issues including heart disease, lung cancer and strokes, as well as other health problems. What may be surprising for you to […]

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Leading Causes Of Absence In The Workplace

When a member of staff calls in sick at work, it isn’t necessarily because they are ill which has caused the absence in the workplace. There are other defining reasons why a colleague may do this but prefer not to clarify the full situation to their employers. This is why it’s extra important that employers […]

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How To Stay Cool Working In An Industrial Factory

Keeping Cool In An Industrial Factory An industrial factory/workplace are known to reap in a bit of heat due to large industrial machinery being used and large amounts of physical work being conducted. As an industrial worker, it’s essential that you’re able to remain cool whilst working and prevent the chances of dizziness or dehydration. […]

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Causes Of Respiratory Problems In An Industrial Workplace

There can be many factors for developing lung-disease, especially related to work-related environments. Having a long-term exposure to certain irritants and chemicals that are inhaled in the lungs can lead to long-term respiratory problems in the future, even when you’re no longer exposed to the chemicals and atmosphere. Here we take a look at what […]

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Essential Health and Safety Tips In The Workplace

Many people are victim to injury or dangerous incidents in the workplace which makes it vitally important for businesses to ensure the health and safety of staff and visitors. Here are some of the essential health and safety tips in the workplace that every business owner should consider so that the wellbeing of people in […]

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Top Tips For Stainless Steel Care and Maintenance

Stainless steel care and maintenance are essential in order to keep products and surfaces appear attractive. On occasions, stainless steel surfaces and items are likely to discolour and stain, which is why in order to prevent moulding and corrosion, care and maintenance is required. Long life performance and appearance of such products can be achieved […]

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COSHH Safety – A Brief Guide To COSHH

Industrial working environments are prone to having substances hazardous to health, hence why COSHH safety guidelines are provided. COSHH stands for Control of Substances Hazardous to Health and is a regulation that was introduced back in 2002. It provides guidance on how employers can protect their employees whilst dealing with hazardous substances at work. The […]

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Tackling Air Pollution With The Latest Innovation

As more and more of the population move to urban areas within large cities, tackling air pollution continues to be a hot topic for many. Unless more is done, there will be considerable stress placed on essential health systems and infrastructures.   Currently, over 4.2 million deaths are caused from outdoor air pollution according to […]

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Top UK Health Organisations Are Calling For A New Clean Air Act

Towards the end of last year, top UK health bodies came together to demand change in the UK when it comes to how the government tackles the toxic air crisis. The legislation has already been in place for 60 years, but many believe it’s much in need of a shake-up to reflect the current battles […]

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Is Inhaling Paint Fumes Dangerous For Your Health?

The Danger of Paint Fumes When you’re painting around the house or ever use paint in your day-to-day work role you may be asking yourself whether inhaling paint fumes is dangerous for your health. If you read further on, you’ll learn more about whether paint fumes are dangerous and if there are ways you can […]

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Which Air Compressor Should I Purchase For My Business?

Another situation in which lower deposit limits are suitable is when you want to try out a new online casino and its features. Minimum deposits will provide you with an entertaining gaming experience, but your online casino 5 dollar minimum deposit payouts obtained from smaller wagers will not be that big. DEPOSIT $1 or $5 […]

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Advantages Of Good Industrial Ventilation In Buildings

Many commercial buildings include plenty of employees who go about their day to day work, hence why it’s important to have good industrial ventilation in buildings that have lots of occupants inside. Fresh air and a healthy working environment are essential to improving wellbeing and humans remaining healthy. If not, the environment we consume ourselves […]

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Methods Of Controlling Industrial Waste Disposal To Avoid Pollution

In today’s society, the impact on climate change and pollution from industrial waste disposal and household waste continues to be a pressing issue. Industrial waste, in particular, is one of the leading causes of water and environmental pollution and waste that is considered dangerous to human, animal or plant life are classed as hazardous waste. […]

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How To Deal With Dust In The Air

Although it may not seem like it, having dust in the air can lead to serious health problems in the long term. It can irritate air passages and cause breathing issues such as coughing, sore throats and potentially asthma. Dust particles can be difficult to see, as it’s not that evident unless it’s on a surface […]

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How To Reduce Condensation Around Windows In Your Bathroom

Although a hot shower gives you the chance to wind down and relax after a long day’s hard work, it can cause in an issue with increasing humidity and resulting in you finding ways on how to reduce condensation around windows in your bathroom. In particular, it can allow your windows to steam up and increase […]

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Benefits Of Regular Ductwork Cleaning

The purpose of ductwork is to prevent poor air quality and relate to the ventilation and air conditioning of your office building or home, which makes regular ductwork cleaning a large priority. Mould, mildew and various bacteria can build up easily in air duct systems, majorly affecting the air quality in indoor environments. Here is […]

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Common Sources of Noise Pollution

Cities are continuing to develop and small towns are beginning to grow, as a result, sources of noise pollution are increasing and it’s becoming a larger problem across the world. In the 21st century, loud noises appear everywhere from busy roads to construction sites and are common in everyday life. However, consistent exposure to noise […]

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How To Measure Air Quality In Your Home

When you think of safety checks that you tend to do in your own home, to measure air quality is probably not one on the list. However, poor air quality that builds up over time in your home can lead to long-term health risks such as breathing problems, asthma and regular sneezing. If you have […]

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Why Safety And Health Have Good Business Benefits

One of the largest aspects of running a successful business is considering safety and health. In order to excel in your industry and make a name for your brand, clients and customers prefer that its run ethically and achieves results in the right manner. The safety and health of your employees is key to making […]

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How Can A Poor Work Environment Affect Your Health?

Both your physical and mental health can be affected by the standards of your work environment. The majority of workers spend most of their day at their workplace, regularly immersed within the conditions and people around them. In some cases, industries can have unsafe and unhealthy work environments. Unsafe environments can include poor workstations, lack […]

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What Are VOC’s And Are VOC Emissions Dangerous?

VOC’s, more commonly known as Volatile Organic Compounds, are essentially chemicals that are found in living things, but more commonly found in and around households. They contain gases including nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, fluorine, chlorine, bromine and sulfur. These can easily vaporise in the air which can make them dangerous to human health. As we’re […]

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What Are The Common Causes Of Damp And Mould?

Considering the amount of downpour that the UK witnesses, it’s no surprises that many homeowners may notice common causes of mould and damp appearing in parts of their house, especially as we get closer to the Winter season. If large areas of damp are appearing in your house, regular exposure to it can be detrimental […]

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Effects of Humidity On The Human Body

Effects of humidity on the human body can be extremely harmful to our health, causing our bodies to overheat. Working long hours in ovens and industrial factories can take a major toll on the body and at times, the heat can be extremely unbearable causing us to sweat more and drain our energy levels quickly. […]

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How To Prevent Dust Build Up In A Workplace

Dust build up in a workplace can be a cause for major allergy irritation which as a result, can lead to severe illnesses in the long term if continuously exposed to it. With equipment and desks around your working environment, it can be easy for dust to surface and build up over time. As an […]

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The Importance of Industrial Odour Control

Issues with industrial odours can be generated by many different processes. They are caused by a range of organisations who specialise in waste disposal, food manufacturing and also in chemical processing. Some of the common types of processes that cause industrial odour include: – Old, large equipment that requires repairing or some kind of maintenance […]

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What Causes Indoor Air Quality To Be Poor?

Whether it’s working in a small office environment or working in a large industrial workspace, it’s important to make sure that indoor air quality is of a high priority. One of the main reasons for staff members and fellow colleagues taking time off work is due to poor health and there are several causes of […]

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How to Improve Employees Health and Wellness In The Workplace

As an employer, it’s your job to ensure the happiness of your employees as well as the success of your business. Employee health and safety is vitally important, as their hard work means that your business profits. Without your employees, your business wouldn’t be able to function. There are many ways you can go about […]

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Ways You Can Check Your Business Energy Efficiency

In a working environment, it can be difficult to manage your business energy efficiency as there’s a constant need for electrical equipment to be used and services running on a regular basis for your business to function. However, with many businesses claiming that their energy use seriously affects their capital, it’s important that business owners […]

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Five Ways To Improve Safety In Your Factory

Every factory has a different function and the way its health and safety operation will vary. However, all warehouses need to continually check for new ways to improve their safety, which will essential to boost morale, enhance performance while keeping your staff and business safe from any dangers. Here are five ways to improve the […]

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Why You Should Care About Workplace Pollution

For years now we have been reminded by environmentalists about how important it is to take care of our planet. Pollution is at an all-time high, with global levels reaching alarming heights. Now, due to decades of neglect, we’ve been left with a clean up operation on our hands. Here’s some of the key reasons […]

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How To Keep Employees Motivated

Employees are one of the essential aspects of any business, they keep everything in operation, and all have the responsibility to fulfil the objectives of the company. Because employees of any sized business are a vital factor in the day-to-day function, there need to be tools in place to keep motivation high, which leads to […]

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How Does a Ventilation System Work?

Industrial Ventilation is essential for commercial properties, it helps with health assurances and makes employees feel comfortable in their workspace. But how does a ventilation system work? It’s one thing to explain the benefits of a ventilation system, knowing how the system works helps to reinforce the reasoning behind having a high-quality ventilation installed. If […]

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How to Improve Productivity in the Workplace

Improving productivity in the workplace all varies on what type of business needs optimising. Creating a more proactive workplace within a warehouse will be entirely different compared to an office or a retail store, and tailoring the improvements will always be the most effective way to enhance productivity in the workplace. With the natural differences […]

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5 Things To Consider When You Start A New Business

Starting up your own businesses can be a daunting yet exciting venture. To make sure things get off to the best possible start, there are a number of factors you need to consider. Here’s our guide of 5 things to consider when you start a new business:   Funding One of the first hurdles of […]

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Slow Roll

11 Most Popular Online Slots Games Online slots are by far the most popular type of real money game played at online casinos. All online casinos have a large selection of slot games. We’re only interested in which titles are the best. The best online casino slots share many of the same elements. The most […]

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What Are Businesses Doing To Combat Pollution?

In recent years, air toxicity has reached an all-time high. By February this year, pollution levels in the UK had already exceeded the legal limit. Air pollution doesn’t just have a detrimental effect on the environment, it can also seriously harm people. Every year, at least 40,000 early deaths are linked to poor air quality. […]

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How Can A Ventilation System Benefit Your Business?

Boosting Your Business: Benefits of Ventilation Systems Health and safety has become increasingly paramount for any business over the last 10 years, with new laws coming into place regularly to ensure the well-being of the staff and workplace. We are constantly being made aware of new dangers that can affect our business, but beyond the […]

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Choosing The Perfect Business Location For Your Start-Up Company

With the rapid developments in technology, it’s easy to imagine a world where you don’t need a physical office space to run your business. However, for those start-ups that do require a premises, the next step is to consider where it should be. Finding the perfect business location is paramount for the success of your […]

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Health and Safety Tips for Factories

No one wants to get hurt at work, but we can often neglect safety practices that have been put in place because it can take extra time and effort. Checking your workplace safety during the day is an easy way to keep your working environment and colleagues safe.

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Health And Safety Checks You Should Be Doing As A Business Owner

Complying to health and safety regulations as a business owner can be relentless, with changes to the law being implemented often. However, it’s obvious that health and safety is highly important when it comes to running a successful business. Here are some of the most important health and safety checks you should be doing as […]

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Sickness Absence Down for Manufacturer’s in 2017

Keeping your workers motivated and happy to come into work every day can be extremely difficult but it’s important to discourage sick days whenever they can be prevented.

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How To Create A More Environmentally Friendly Business

If you’re just starting up your business, it’s the perfect opportunity to think about how you will keep it as eco-friendly as you can.

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Dealing With Commercial Odour Control in the Workplace

Raising the issues of workplace odours can be tricky. Whether it’s a shared workspace, the office kitchen or a co-worker, finding the time and solution to solve the issue can quickly diffuse an uncomfortable work environment.

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How to be more environmentally conscious in the workplace

Being environmentally friendly does not have to be a costly implementing process. Still, it is good to know that there are some helpful tips at hand to help you reduce cost in the workplace and still being environmentally friendly at the same time. It can even boost productivity in the workplace too!

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How Can Acoustic Booths Help Your Workplace?

What can an acoustic booth do for your workplace to ensure that health and safety is at the forefront of day to day activity?  

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Why is Air Duct Cleaning Important?

What are the most important reasons for considering air duct cleaning?

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The Importance of a Commercial Kitchen Extraction System

What factors can affect the safety of your kitchen and what extraction systems do you need to put in place in order to be as safe as possible?  

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Effect of Noise Pollution on Nature

Industrialisation has a number of negative effects on the environment – all of which is well documented – but, few consider less obvious levels of pollution. In particular, the problem of noise pollution and how it can have an extremely negative effect on the nature surrounding an industrial area. So, what are the effects of […]

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How to Ensure Energy Efficiency in Your Business

Year on year, the average business uses 20% more energy than it needs. What do you need to do in order to make sure your business is more energy efficient in 2018?

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What is the Difference Between Ventilation and Air Conditioning ?

When it comes to finding a solution for your business, the question of what to choose and the difference between air conditioning and ventilation is often one that causes confusion. With that mind, here are the primary differences and advantages of both for your business.

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Health Problems Caused by Dust in the Workplace

Dust is one of the biggest hazards for workers and as such understanding this and actively working to remove it is vital.

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The Types of Ventilation Control

For these controls, there are different pros and they meet different needs that might be present in your space or business.  

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The Importance of Fire Rated Ductwork

During times of fire, ductwork can help to remove smoke, making the air safer for those trying to escape, and it can even help to prevent the fire from spreading further. Which is why fire-rated ductwork should be a necessity in any workspace.

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Why Do You Need Dust Control?

Efficient Dust Control Dust control is not only a vital necessity when it comes to your employee’s health, it is also important to your companies bottom line. With that in mind, why is efficient dust control important for all aspects of your business? Employee Protection First and foremost, above all else, dust control is about […]

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News – Airmatic Become a Member of ADCAS

Airmatic Ltd is proud to announce that the company is now a member of the ADCAS (Association of Ductwork Contractors and Allied Services).

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Five Best Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

What are the best ways for you to start improving the air quality of your workspace today?

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How to Deal with Industrial Noise Complaints

How do you deal with noise complaints made against your industrial activities in a civil manner that suits all parties?

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How to Manage Varying Workplace Temperature

Complete temperature control of an environment is often essential in a workspace.

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Different Types of Damp in the Workplace

Damp is a silent, but deadly, condition which can wreak havoc in your workplace. Once spotted, it is vital that you embark on a course of treatments straight away to get this pest under control from day one.

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Health & Safety in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Pharma Industry Health & Safety Health and safety is vital in the workplace, but especially in a volatile one such as the pharmaceutical industry where toxic hazards are a fact of working there. Though risk is expected, it should never be allowed to happen due to lack of care on the part of the employer or […]

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How to Build an Effective Workplace Safety Program

Hazards are commonplace in many work environments, but especially in industrial workplaces and warehouses. As such, here at Airmatic Ltd we know important it is that a high-risk environment has a safety program in place in order to help curb these risks.

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Dust Extraction Systems a Necessity for Food Manufacturing

Dependent on the food being manufactured in your facility, you may require the use of both dust extraction and fume extraction. This is a result of the food manufacturing process creating hazards for both plant and employees, both inside and outdoors, which can be a risk. The prevention of such issues is So, what are […]

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How to Deal with Mould in the Work Environment

Mould is a fairly common problem in the workplace. This tricky fungus can grow and multiply in areas where moisture is allowed to gather. All it needs to grow is warmth, moisture and organic material. When the mould reproduces, it releases spores which can travel through the air. If inhaled, these spores can cause respiratory […]

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What Can I Do About Noise Nuisance?

Noise is a very subjective topic; every individual has a different tolerance to noise in their environment. A noise nuisance can come from industrial sites, vehicles and the public. A lot of people think about their rights to reduced noise levels and what they can do to create a long-term change whether it’s in their workplace […]

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Top 5 Ways to Improve Warehouse Safety

Health and safety, no matter how much you think you have it covered, is something which needs to updated daily in a warehouse environment. Here at Airmatic, we are dedicated to creating the safest work environment possible in order for your business to thrive. With that in mind, what are the easiest ways to improve […]

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Health Conditions Caused by Poor Indoor Air Quality

Revealing the Adverse Health Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality Although you may not realise, poor air quality outdoors and it can have a major effect on your health. More often these circumstances occur in major cities and more populated areas but indoor air quality can affect any building in any location for several reasons. […]

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The Importance of Ventilation in Winter for Air Quality

For many, the idea of having an air ventilation system on during the winter months is a strange concept. However, that is a result of thinking – wrongly – that ventilation affects the cooling of a room in some way. This is not the case and good air quality is necessary year round, not simply […]

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Tinnitus Explained

Tinnitus is a term for hearing sounds that rather than outside of the body, comes from the inside. For many, it manifests as ‘ringing in the ears’. It can also be buzzing, humming, whistling and even hissing. Some can even hear singing or voices for the more serious cases. So, what are the cause and […]

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Can Ventilation Save You Energy?

The proper use of ventilation, over time, will help you to save both energy and money. At the same time, too much ventilation can lead to heat loss. Finding the right balance between ventilation and heating, therefore, can be the difficult part, especially in a commercial setting. While a domestic home receives all of the […]

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Quality like no other : What sets Airmatic Apart

Here at Airmatic, we’re confident that our stainless steel ductwork among the best in the Industry. We consistently strive to improve our manufacturing and quality. Our extremely skilled staff have the ability to turn around work of outstanding quality on very tight deadlines. With Airmatic you can be confident in the knowledge that you have the best people […]

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The Importance of Industrial Hygiene

As a business owner, you are responsible for the overall health and safety of the workplace and those working in it. From those working at the heart of the warehouse to the executives sitting at their desks. This safety comes from understanding the requirements of workplace hygiene and how to implement it into your workspace. […]

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Why is Regular Duct Maintenance Important?

Indoor air pollution is a problem in any space, but as it is a problem that is rarely visible many people can forget about it. Proper maintenance is the only way to prevent the build-ups that lead to bad air quality – a practice which is vital in a commercial working space above all else. […]

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What is an Acoustic Enclosure?

Demystifying Acoustic Enclosures: Function and Benefits We are specialist acoustic enclosure manufacturer, offering full enclosure solutions. But what is an acoustic enclosure? Acoustic enclosures are acoustic chambers, noise enclosures, acoustic screens and sound isolation enclosures that minimise or attenuate noise. They are made of acoustic or acoustical materials and provide four basic functions: – sound […]

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The Effect of Noise Pollution on Health

In the commercial workplace, there are many dangers which can pose a threat to your employees. Noise pollution is one of the most serious of these dangers that can be faced in the commercial workplace on a day to day basis, though it is an often overlooked danger. Not only could this be a serious […]

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Is the air quality of Subways Dangerous for Health?

Subway Air Quality: Assessing Health Risks There has been much debate of late around the air quality on our streets. Cars, lorries and buses can all cause health hazards with the air pollution they create. Simple measures can be taken when walking on a busy road, such as taking a side street route when walking […]

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4 Ways to Reduce Noise Pollution in the Workplace

Tackling Noise Pollution in the Work Environment Noise pollution is a big issue in the modern working world, particularly for those exposed to industrial noise pollution on an everyday basis. It can cause long-term and irreversible damage to workers who are not properly protected or equipped to deal with the noise. As such, it is […]

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Why is Industrial Noise Pollution an Issue?

Even when you live deep in the countryside away from the hustle and bustle of a big city, traffic and building work, you’ll probably still find some evidence of sound pollution somewhere. Typically, it will be industrial noise pollution. Industrial noise pollution comes from machinery and processes in warehouses and factories. There are various noise […]

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Noise Impact Assessments

Evaluating Noise Impacts: Assessing the Effects Many residential or mixed use developments will require a noise impact assessment to support a planning application. This does essentially what it says on the tin – assesses the impact the noise coming from the building will have. The report ensures that adequate protection is provided for future residents […]

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What is a Louvre?

Louvre systems are popular with designers for many applications in industrial and commercial buildings. They can have many purposes, including anything from controlling light entry or providing ventilation, to providing screening and attenuation (noise reduction) – or a combination of these.  What does a Louvre look like? As you can see, Louvres can look very attractive, […]

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What are the different kinds of Air Ducts?

An air duct is used in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. They are the pathways for heated or cooled air to travel throughout a building, be it a home, office, factory or warehouse. What are the different kinds of Air Ducts? Air ducts are used to distribute air throughout a building, or to exhaust air […]

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Benefits of Custom Metal Fabrication

Metal fabrication is the umbrella term used to describe the process of cutting, shaping, bending or assembling metal. Custom metal fabrication is slightly different, as it refers solely to the manufacturing a product that meets your specific needs and requirements directly. The fabrication of sheet metal can be manufactured if you want to create an […]

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Are Factories Responsible for Odour Control Systems?

Where there is an odour issue, there is blame, and this usually falls on the municipal and industrial sites. Where this occurs, odour control systems will need to be implemented. Councils must look into complaints about smells from industrial, trade and business premises that could be a ‘statutory nuisance’. For the smell to count as a […]

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The History of Sheet Metal Fabrication

In the late 10th century, ironworking was introduced to Greece, and thus began the Iron Age in Europe. Everything from weapons to basic armour were produced in Ancient Greece, using techniques such as hammering down the iron. As the roman empire increased the mining of iron, everyday objects began to get created, such as saucepans, […]

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Are Your Fire Dampers Up to Standard?

The testing and maintenance standard of fire dampers in ventilation was revised in January (BS: 9999). Fire safety is not a topic that should be taken lightly, and in an industrial setting there are so many different hazards and potential risks that can cause a fire, so it’s important to conduct regular and thorough maintenance […]

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Industrial Energy Saving Tips

In the UK, energy prices are reaching an alarming rate, and our responsibility to reduce pollution, global warming and any other environmental implications has reached an all time high. It’s important as a business owner to consider all of the different possibilities and practices that will save your industrial company save energy and money for […]

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Fire Safety in the Industrial Workplace

Whichever industry you are involved in, there are certain workplace hazards that pose a risk and could potentially lead to a fire. For example, if you work in a warehouse or an industrial setting, defective electrical fittings, sources of friction and heat and heavy machinery can be a hazardous and potentially result in a fire. […]

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Fire Safety in the Industrial Workplace:

Whichever industry you are involved in, there are certain workplace hazards that pose a risk and could potentially lead to a fire. For example, if you work in a warehouse or an industrial setting, defective electrical fittings, sources of friction and heat and heavy machinery can be a hazardous and potentially result in a fire. […]

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Tips to Help Keep Your Employees Safe

  As an employer, the safety of those who work for you should be a top priority. There are certain rules and regulations that you must abide by to ensure that accidents, and workplace injuries are minimised, such as HSE Legislation and The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Some of the most common […]

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Tips to Help Keep Your Employees Safe:

  As an employer, the safety of those who work for you should be a top priority. There are certain rules and regulations that you must abide by to ensure that accidents, and workplace injuries are minimised, such as HSE Legislation and The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Some of the most common […]

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Can Stainless Steel Corrode?

Stainless steel is widely known to be one of the most useful materials on the planet. It is used in kitchens, various appliances, pipes and ducting. Stainless steel is so popular because it is strong, durable and does not corrode. But a question that has been on most of our lips, is how infallible is […]

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What is COSHH? A Beginner’s Guide

Beginner’s Guide to COSHH HSE regulations dictate that employees much be protected from any workplace hazards of potential injuries or ailments. Some industries have certain risks of their employees becoming injured from machinery, heavy falling objects and slippery surfaces. Whereas others run the risk of exposing their employees to potentially harmful substances and chemicals. As […]

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Is Your Industrial Health and Safety Policy Up to Date?

  The industrial sector is made up of more than 2.5 million workers, and this makes up everything from plastic work and woodworking to surface engineering and textiles. The manufacturing industry exposes their workers to various airborne substances and various other harmful substances and machinery. It’s been revealed that every year, there are approximately 33,000 […]

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How Indoor Air Quality Concerns Impact Health and Productivity

  In the recent months, indoor air quality in the workplace has been subject to much discussion. It’s been proven that poor indoor air quality can affect people’s health, productivity and comfort when working in the building. Serious health problems that are in direct relation to poor air quality often take a long time to […]

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How Indoor Air Quality Concerns Impact Health and Productivity:

  In the recent months, indoor air quality in the workplace has been subject to much discussion. It’s been proven that poor indoor air quality can affect people’s health, productivity and comfort when working in the building. Serious health problems that are in direct relation to poor air quality often take a long time to […]

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What is an Acoustic Attenuator?

  An acoustic attenuator is a vital part of a ventilation system, which reduce the noise produced by fans and other pieces of equipment in HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning systems).  This piece of machinery is used to ensure that the specific noise rating is at an acceptable level, making work environments safer and […]

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The Difference Between Galvanised and Stainless Steel:

Galvanised & Stainless Steel Variations Galvanised and stainless steel look exactly the same to the untrained eye, but they are in fact completely different in terms of composition, weight, strength and application. It is important to be able to know the key differences and tell them apart when choosing duct work and steel hoppers, as […]

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Top Tips to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air pollution has been making the news recently due to the impact it has on our health. Industrial work places and factories have strict work regulations that they must follow in order to ensure that the air quality is safe for work. Well insulated and air tight buildings are said to be up to […]

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The Essential Components of an Industrial Ventilation System

Unveiling the Core Components of Industrial Ventilation Systems   There are several different components that make up a well-functioning industrial ventilation system. Of course, ventilation begins with extracting stale air and bringing fresh clean air into the building, but there are ways that you can improve your system to ensure the safety of your employees and the […]

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Which Ventilation System is Best for Your Business?

Creating a safe work environment should be a priority for any business owner, whether you work in a restaurant, an industrial site or a factory, there are certain measures to put in place to ensure that your employees can work safely and securely.   Creating a safe work environment should start with the air that […]

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What is Odour Extraction Ductwork?

In the UK every household produces millions of tonnes of waste every year. Recycling and waste management companies provide a solution to efficiently dispose of and re-use the rubbish and waste that is generated. Odour management represents a major commitment and attention for site operators in the Recycling and Waste Management sectors and both the […]

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The Importance of Using Acoustic Enclosures in Factories

Noise pollution is one of the leading issues in an industrial work environment. It is important to reduce the noises made by big and heavy machinery in different industrial sectors in order to help maintain an acceptable indoor level of noise at work, as well as reducing the exterior noise of the plant. Acoustic enclosures […]

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Industrial Ventilation Systems for Air Pollution Control

Optimizing Air Quality through Industrial Ventilation Systems We hear about various forms of pollution on a daily basis. Air pollution can have serious implications on our health and the environment, which is why it is important to minimalize the risk and prevent it from happening. Industrial factories are notorious for producing primary air pollutants that […]

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The Importance of Dust and Fume Extraction

Dust and Fume Extraction If you’re a company that glues, grinds, paints or alters a material in any way, then you are going to generate dust and fumes that can be potentially harmful to your employees. Dust and fumes are one of the main causes of health problems in an industrial workplace. Having correct extraction […]

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Airmatic Acoustics Director Ian Stones Speaks at CIBSE NW Masterclass

Airmatic Acoustics Director Ian Stones addressed a large crowd of CIBSE engineers at a CPD event last week. Ian, who has 35 years experience and a Masters in Acoustic Engineering is an Industry Leading expert in the field. Ian spoke to the Building Services Engineers about the various benefits of a range of Acoustics products […]

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Why Industrial Noise Control is Important in Factories

Enhancing Factory Efficiency: The Role of Noise Control Industrial businesses can be a primary cause of noise pollution to the environment, which is why it is important to install acoustic systems into the building. Having appropriate mitigation control within the building can reduce the loud noises that heavy equipment can emit. This is useful in […]

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The Importance of VHRA and Ventilation Duct Cleaning

Preserving Air Quality: The Vitality of VHRA and Duct Cleaning What are VHRA? VHRA, which stands for Ventilation Hygiene Risk Assessments, are a precautionary measure  put in place to ensure that the ventilation systems installed in various companies and residencies are working properly and are producing a safe quality of air. Maintenance checks are scheduled and […]

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What are fire dampers?

Unveiling the Function and Significance of Fire Dampers Simply put, fire dampers are fire protection products used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning ducts. They prevent the spread of fire inside the ductwork through fire-resistance rated walls and floors. The British Standard 9999:2008 Code of Practice for Fire Safety in the Design, Management & Use […]

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Workplace Inspections : What needs inspecting?

Workplace Inspections are a way of systematically and officially checking that your working environment and procedures are meeting the standards that are required. An inspection should identify any potential hazards and be a method in which you can introduce measures to improve the conditions of your facility. Whether it’s a formal or an informal inspection, […]

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Happy Birthday to The Pompidou Centre

Pompidou Centre 40th Anniversary The Pompidou Centre in Paris celebrating its 40th anniversary. This iconic building is instantly recognisable because of its radical architecture. It has divided opinion and sparked decades of controversy since it was built in the heart of one of the French capital’s oldest neighbourhoods. Designed by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, it was opened […]

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The Importance of Ventilation in a Factory Environment

It can often be difficult to ensure warehouses and factories are kept well ventilated, but proper ventilation is absolutely essential for both your employees and your equipment and materials.

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Why choose Stainless Steel Ducting?

Benefits of Stainless Steel Ducting Stainless steel ductwork may cost a little more than galvanised or GRP, but there are cases in industrial units in which stainless steel is the definitely the best choice. Stainless steel is needed in a number of environments, such as for ductwork in factories that deal with waste, because of […]

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Stainless Steel Ductwork- Large Waste Site

A large construction company were in urgent need of assistance when their existing subcontractor failed to meet the deadlines and quality requirements of a large ductwork job.

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New Website Now Live

Our new Website is now live We will be working over the next weeks and months to develop the site and add lots of really useful information. If you have any feedback on the site we would love to hear from you contact us on 0161 764 4004 or  

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New Vacancy- Marketing Co-ordinator

Job Spec- Marketing Co-ordinator Airmatic are a rapidly expanding engineering and manufacturing business based in Bury, North Manchester. Due to recent growth and promotion, we are looking for an ambitious Marketing Graduate to join a newly formed operations team. This role is pivotal in generating solid leads and enquiries by executing the Marketing Strategy. We […]

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Battery Fume Extraction

The customer, A large distribution centre of a well known supermarket chain, was experiencing problems with the vapours - in particular hydrogen given off during the recharging of their folk lift truck batteries. They had multiple areas charging large amounts of batteries in stations. This was across multiple areas around the distribution centre and in various temperatures Our brief was to safely extract the fumes to atmosphere creating a cleaner working environment, improve health and safety on site and to help them to comply with statutory regulations.

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Media Blast Dust Extraction

In early 2014, we attended site at a large coach building organisation who were experiencing problems with heat and dust. They were using a sand blasting to prepare their trailer chassis before painting and this media blasting process was producing excess dust in the atmosphere where workers needed to carry out essential tasks.  The customer required a solution to extract the dust and then supply fresh clean air to the work areas.

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External Heating Container

Our customer had a powder coating plant without enough internal space to provide adequate heating to the ovens. We construction this external container to be delivered to site and placed outside the building where it was ducting into the plant to provide adequate heating to the ovens. The container was constructed entirely by Airmatic. It […]

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Pump Enclosures

Working closely with our customer we developed a small enclosure to house an industrial pump which served to pump oil round a larger machine, noise levels in the factory where the pumps were in operation were higher than the permissible level and so needed to be brought below that level. The pumps served to distribute […]

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Industrial Attenuators for Papermill

Our customer needed the noise from their vacuum chimneys to be reduced so that the impact level on the surrounding residences was decreased in line with the local environmental health departmentís requirements. Changing the quality of the paper required different pressures from the vacuum pumps, when these pumps were made to operate near their maximum level […]

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Tesco Louvres

Airmatic Acoustics was the appointed sub contractor chosen to design, manufacture supply and install a large acoustic compound to surround the building services plant at a new Tescos Store in Barnsley. The need for an acoustic louvre as opposed to a normal weather louvre was due to a housing estate which was in close proximity to […]

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Sharkey Louvres

Our customer required the manufacture supply and installation of a 46m long row of double bank acoustic louvres to reduce the noise of new chiller plant installation in an outdoor well at the foot of a building. Using our expertise in acoustics as well as our capabilities and knowledge in steel work installation we were able to provide […]

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New Vacancy- Office Apprentice

Due to continued growth and recent promotion of existing staff, we are looking for a school leaver to join the company as Office /Accounts Apprentice. This varied training role will involve Screening telephone calls and taking messages Meeting and greeting visitors at reception Assisting with accounts queries Liaising with clients, suppliers and other staff Raising […]

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Hardman Street Louvres

Acoustic Louvre For this project Airmatic Acoustics was appointed as a subcontractor for a new build which required an Acoustic Louvre to reduce the noise of the building services plant on the roof of the building to the neighbouring residential and industrial properties. Situated in central Manchester the building on Hardman Street fell immediately adjacent […]

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Aldi Acoustic Louvres

Our customer had a requirement to manufacture, supply and fit a series of single bank acoustic louvres to the plant rooms of several new supermarket stores, where heat build up and noise were the key issues.   The new plant rooms where designed with openings to allow for acoustic louvers to be fitted in order to […]

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Laser Peening Robot

Handling Laser Peening Robot Noise The Metal Improvement Company use Laser Peening technology to increase the resistance of blades used to manufacture Rolls Royce aerospace engines. This and other surface engineering processes produce extremely noise levels in excess of 100 dB. At The Metal Improvement Company, they wanted a bespoke solution to ensure the wellbeing […]

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Acoustic Louvre Case Study

Our customer had a requirement to manufacture, supply and fit a series of single bank acoustic louvres to the plant rooms of several new supermarket stores, where heat build up and noise were the key issues. The new plant rooms where designed with openings to allow for acoustic louvers to be fitted in order to […]

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