1 Aug 2019

Effective noise pollution management in the industrial workplace

Industrial sectors continue to have issues when dealing with noise pollution management in the workplace. This is because of the equipment that needs to be utilised in order to produce the products that will be manufactured in the factory. This can create a disruptive environment and make it difficult for employees to work in as well as disturb the surrounding environment around the commercial factory. This is why regulations have been put in place to ensure that noise pollution can be controlled for the safety of workers and neighbourhoods are not disturbed. Here are methods of noise pollution management that can help employees.

Noise pollution management tips:

Wear hearing protection equipment

When you work in a factory or industrial work environment, you’re provided with relevant safety equipment which you can wear to protect yourself from potential risks. As part of this, you’ll be told to wear noise-canceling or reduction earphones so you’re able to deal with noisy equipment. To make sure that you can deal with the noise and manage it better, ensure these are worn at all times when noisy machinery is being used. 

Keep noisy equipment to a minimum

If you’re able to control the noise that comes from the equipment you use, try to use it practically to prevent the noise becoming too loud for everyone close by. Alternatively, if there is noisy machinery that you need to use to complete your role, just use it when you need it. This means turning it off when it’s no longer needed or using it to a minimum to prevent it from causing too much disturbance. 

Measure the noise in the workplace

If there are recurring complaints about the workplace being too noisy, another method of noise pollution management is measuring the amount of noise that’s being produced in the different areas of the factory. Noise meters can be used to provide recordings of noise that’s being produced in the factory and it can help to determine where the noise is coming from most. 

Move unnecessary noise

Considering how large an industrial workplace can be, you’ll have the opportunity to move and arrange the areas for certain tasks. For example, from processes that require using heavy machinery, you can use a separate part of the factory for the noisy tasks only. This prevents the rest of the factory from being disturbed as it’s being used in a confined area and there’s less worry about whether other colleagues are being effected.

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