11 Jul 2018

How to Improve Productivity in the Workplace

Improving productivity in the workplace all varies on what type of business needs optimising. Creating a more proactive workplace within a warehouse will be entirely different compared to an office or a retail store, and tailoring the improvements will always be the most effective way to enhance productivity in the workplace. With the natural differences that come with the variations of industries, here’s a look at some of the more general ways to improve productivity in the workplace:

Add Accountability to Employees Work

A useful technique that has a noticeable change in productivity in the workplace. Giving employee daily, weekly or monthly tasks to complete will provide them with the motivation to get the job finished on time. If you give a team a task, there’s a potential outcome where some employees don’t optimise their workflow, and they expect others to finish the job as there is no direct accountability. Reviewing work, setting tasks and individualising the employees helps a business optimise its productivity.

Encourage Good Results

This can vary on the type of business in operation, but the key point to take away is to reward good work. Whether it’s finishing work early, a gift or a financial reward, showing your gratitude will encourage better productivity in the workplace and may even inspire light-hearted competition between employees to reach a target first. In some cases, merely showing appreciation can be enough for some employees, saying thank you for putting in some extra work or showing an improved performance can spur employees on to continue good work.

Provide Good Equipment

The lack of or poor equipment can often stint productivity in the workplace. Offices using old and slow computers, warehouses with damaged equipment and so much more can lower productivity. Regular quality assurance checks should be in place for safety, but also to help with deciding if it’s time to invest in better equipment, heating, ventilation and air conditioning are all factors to consider when it comes to providing a comfortable workplace for employees.

Change Employees Routines

An employee doing the same task for 40 hours a week isn’t likely to be doing in the fastest time possible consistently, and repetition will only make the work become slower and tedious. Giving staff different jobs to complete throughout the week and breaking up their dull routine will help keep their minds focused on the change in routine and offers a fresh approach to repetitive tasks. It can also help with seeing which employees complete tasks most efficiently, so their work time can be catered to their strengths, which is another any to improve productivity in the workplace.

Highlight the Businesses Benefits to Employees

Making sure your employees are aware of what the business provides their staff with will make every individual feel comfortable and essential at work. Whether you can offer birthday benefits, free products or work days out, employees love to see businesses showing extra thought and not just seeing their employment as a trade of work for money. The additional benefits have the potential to keep employees happy in what they do, and happy employees naturally work much better than those who don’t enjoy their career.

These general ideas have the ability to improve the majority of businesses productivity in the workplace, and naturally changing them to suit your industry will only enhance the outcome.

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