12 Apr 2018

Effect of Noise Pollution on Nature

Industrialisation has a number of negative effects on the environment – all of which is well documented – but, few consider less obvious levels of pollution. In particular, the problem of noise pollution and how it can have an extremely negative effect on the nature surrounding an industrial area. So, what are the effects of noise pollution on nature and why is it important to prevent your business from contributing to the issue further?

Aviation Species and Noise Pollution

Aviation species that live close to a warehouse or industrial workspaces have been noted as changing their calls. Why? Typically, this has been attributed to them attempting to be heard over the din of the industrial noise. The constant barrage of sound interrupts their natural calls, including when mating and communicating with each other. This is also a problem in urban environments, like roads, cities and sports arenas.

This is particularly difficult for males of the bird species. As they are increasing the pitch it makes them less attractive to mates, particularly in bird species where the female prefers lower pitch mating calls. They may still mate with these males, but it puts them at a disadvantage when compared to birds that live in more rural areas away from urban noise.

Some birds are also highly territorial and rely on their songs to mark and protect this territory. In Robins, it has been observed that they now sing at night in order to avoid the noise pollution. This alteration in behaviour could have an unknown effect on birds in the long term, which may or may not be good for them.

Land Species and Noise Pollution 

Noise pollution has been shown to have particularly severe consequences for frogs. Noise pollution causes an increase in the frequency of calls in some frog species, which causes a similar issue as male birds face. Female frogs prefer lower frequencies and if males raise the frequency to be heard over the industrial noise, female frogs often do not like what they hear!

It has also created other worrying habits in land mammals; such as less time spent above ground for some species, a decline in foraging, more wariness and searching for predators, as well as an alarming decline in social interactions.

Overall, noise pollution is making land species more wary of living their lives in the same ways that they have for thousands or more years. This means that we are seeing more and more declines in species, as their adapted behaviour leads to less mating and reduced numbers throughout the wild.


In conclusion, it is vital that industrial workspaces employ the use of the right acoustic prevention system in order to help limit their impact on nature. The more work you put into helping the environment through your process and equipment, the less of an impact your business or industry as a whole will have on nature.


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