16 Nov 2022

How to maintain your dust extraction system

Why is dust extraction maintenance important?

Dust extraction systems are vital for ensuring that a workplace is well-ventilated, as they filter out harmful pollutants and contaminants that can impact air quality. However, without regular maintenance, your LEV system won’t perform at its best. This could increase the likelihood of workplace accidents, and inadequate dust control can lead to serious, long-term health conditions. 


Alongside protecting staff wellbeing, The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) states that LEV systems must be regularly maintained and thoroughly examined. If the dust extraction system isn’t working correctly, you may even face enforcement action. 


So, to ensure that your dust extraction system is working as it should, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on how to maintain it. 


How often should you test your dust extraction system?

It’s vital that your dust extraction system undergoes regular, thorough examinations, and an LEV test must be performed at least every 14 months. If damage or fault is recognised before then, maintenance will be required sooner. 


Who should perform an LEV test?

A competent person should perform the LEV test; this individual should have the relevant qualifications, training and experience required to complete the task. 


How to maintain your dust extraction system


Switch off fan or mechanical parts beforehand

First things first, make sure to electrically isolate the fan and any other moving parts before checking the dust extraction system – or any duct system, for that matter. Isolate them for a minimum of three minutes to ensure that they’ve definitely come to rest. 


Check for blockages in the ductwork

Closely inspect the dust extraction system to make sure that there’s no dust build-up or blockages. If the ductwork becomes clogged, the dust extraction system won’t be able to filter the air correctly. 


Perform a pressure check

Take regular readings of the dust extraction system’s compressed air pressure to maintain air filtration efficiency. If the system’s air pressure is too low, the cartridges won’t be cleaned thoroughly, but if it’s too high, the cartridges will likely need to be replaced more often. So, the power of the compressor should be strong enough to supply air at a constant pressure during maximum production, and when the operators need high levels of compressed air. 


Check bag/ filter

Your manufacturer should tell you how often filter changes are required. By regularly changing bags and checking for leaks and tears, you can ensure maximum dust collection performance. 

You can also determine whether it’s time to change the filter by checking the dust extraction system’s differential pressure. A differential pressure between 120 to 150daP, or a pressure that’s higher than maximum specifications, indicates that a filter change is needed. 


Inspect exhaust fans

Exhaust fans are a vital part of a dust extraction system, as without them, there would be no force to drive out filtered air. To make sure that they’re working properly, the system’s fan belts should be checked quarterly, and you should also check for any unusual vibrations or noises.


Inspect structural integrity

If a dust extraction system’s structure is impaired, this could reduce its lifespan and impact  overall performance. The welds, joints, and flange seals should all be inspected regularly, and any leaks detected should be sealed as soon as possible. You should also check for corrosion or bowing of the filter’s external walls, and any holes must be repaired. 


Empty the hoppers

Empty the system’s hoppers regularly, as they aren’t designed to store collected dust over long periods. If there’s material build up in the hoppers, this could create turbulence and disrupt airflow, causing a significant drop in performance. 


Look for visible emissions 

If you see visible emissions from the exhaust stack, this could indicate that a seal is broken, or that the bag is damaged. Emission leaks require immediate attention, as they could cause serious building damage or health problems if left unrepaired. 



It’s important to keep a record of inspection logs, and the results of LEV testing – including repair details. This makes it easier to stay on top of maintenance.


If you’re looking for a high-quality, durable, and long-lasting dust extraction system, look no further than Airmatic. And if maintenance is required, you can rely on our team of qualified professionals to repair the system quickly – with minimal downtime. Want to find out more about our extraction solutions? Contact us today! 


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