23 May 2018

How To Create A More Environmentally Friendly Business

If you’re just starting up your business, it’s the perfect opportunity to think about how you will keep it as eco-friendly as you can. Similarly, it’s never to late to implement new practices in your company to make it more beneficial to the environment.

Here are some tips for creating an environmentally friendly business:

Go Paperless

With the advances in modern technology rapidly developing, using computers and tablets has become the norm in our everyday lives. So, why not also transfer this ethos to our businesses? It’s good practice to use emails instead of posting letters and file documents electronically on a secure system, instead of a physical filing system. In most cases it is actually more secure to keep files electronically (with a backup) than physical, physical files can be lost or easily damaged where you may never get them back.

Energy Usage

An easy way to sustain an environmentally friendly business is to implement restrictions on energy uses. This could be as simple as not leaving machinery on “standby” mode, where it still uses electricity or even introducing energy saving lightbulbs which can greatly reduce your wastage over the years.


An obvious avenue to an environmentally friendly business is to recycle more. This applies to everything you would typically recycle at home such as paper, plastic and cardboard. But it’s also applicable on a larger scale, for example, “upcycling” old office furniture or acquiring second-hand furniture. This not only saves the business money but is also a great way to stay environmentally friendly.


If your business is in the city centre and it’s drastically affected by air pollution, then it could be a good idea to install a ventilation system to ensure your workers are breathing in cleaner air. This is also another step to making your business as environmentally friendly as possible, as the systems are energy efficient, don’t affect how hot or cold the building is, and benefit your workforce.


Knowing exactly where your suppliers get their materials from is a crucial step in being a responsible business owner when it comes to running an environmentally friendly business. Ensure your materials don’t contain any toxins or harmful ingredients that can be difficult to recycle/decompose in the future. A way to keep a closer eye on this is to use local businesses rather than ones from overseas (also a great way to cut down on your contribution to carbon dioxide emissions), so you can be surer of exactly where your supplies are coming from.
If you want to discuss solutions to make your business as efficient as possible, whether through ventilation or efficient noise control, then contact us on 0161 764 4004 for a discussion with our team on all of your needs.

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